
Displaying 1 - 2 of 2 publications
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2010 NOPAL (Opuntia ficus indica L.), DELICIOSO Y MEDICINAL

La planta de nopal tiene su origen en México, pero tiene una distribución muy amplia ya que se encuentra de manera natural en toda América y presente en los demás continentes. Tiene muchos usos, destacando el alimenticio y el medicinal. Su mayor importancia es ser fuente de alimento a...

2021 Nopal agroecosystems (Opuntia ficus-indica L. Miller) associated with six pre-Columbian crops and documentation of ancestral community knowledge, in Diriamba and San Marcos Nicaragua 2013-2015

The research was conducted in Apompuá, Diriamba and Las Esquinas, San Marcos, Carazo, Nicaragua, in 2013 and ended in 2015. The agroecosystems of nopal (Opuntia ficus-indica L. Miller) intercropped were evaluated with cushaw pumpkin (Cucurbita argyrosperma Huber), amaranth (Amaranthus cruentus L.), tepary bean (Phaseolus acutifolius Gray), pignut (Hyptis suaveolens...

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Universidad Nacional Agraria

UNA is a more experienced institution of agricultural higher education in Nicaragua. During its years of existence, work has been done for a systematic transformation, fulfilling the mission of training professionals and developing research and agricultural extension programs, responding to the different development models that the country has experienced.

On 25 May 1917 by Executive Decree, the National School of Agriculture was established in the Official Journal La Gaceta No. 157 that publicizes the Rules of Procedure of the National School of Agriculture.

On 5 April 1990, Act No. 89, the Autonomy Act of Higher...


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