
Accumulation of acidity in spiny and spineless Opuntia joints jluctuated daily due to crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) in Golan Height and coastal plain. The acidity reached higher concentrations in the young joints, especially during early morning hours, before the plants were exposed to sunlight. Changes in acidity were more pronounced in the chlorenchyma than in the water-accumulating tissues.

Group One

Crops Cited: 
Displaying 1 - 1 of 1 crops.
opuntia ficus indica Opuntia ficus indica

A normally spineless variety of Opuntia cactus with large fruits growing on each pad. This species of cactus is grown world-wide to feed people, livestock and to restore degraded soils....

Publication Authors: 
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Portrait Name/Bio
Yochai B. Samish, Ph.D.

Botany Department, Tel Aviv University, The Dr. George S. Wise Center for Life Sciences, Range scientist, Division of Range Management, Agricultural Research Organization, Volcani Center, Bet Dagan, Israel
