
Ethiopia has some of the lowest socioeconomic indicators in the world. About 90% of the population earn their living mainly from agricultural activities, which are mostly based on rainfed agriculture. Desertification and water shortages represent huge challenges for agriculture in arid areas. Agricultural systems based on the choice of appropriate crops are key to sustainable development. After its introduction in the mid-XIXth century, cactus pear has become one of the most common plants in Tigray and its fruits are immensely popular. An estimate of 105.26 t are consumed daily from June to August in the three most important urban centers, a volume higher than orange and banana.

Group One

Crops Cited: 
Displaying 1 - 1 of 1 crops.
opuntia ficus indica Opuntia ficus indica

A normally spineless variety of Opuntia cactus with large fruits growing on each pad. This species of cactus is grown world-wide to feed people, livestock and to restore degraded soils....

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