Log Date:
2024-04-01 00:00:00
I've decided to start working with Arduinos for a couple reasons:
- Build a weather station
- Interface with HAM radio(s)
Since this is an experimental farm, I should have been collecting weather data since day one. I wanted a direct wired, AC powered unit, but a commercial one goes for $800 and up. There is no way to afford that much on such a basic component.
Having watched a good friend of mine, Mr. W, build a working radio receiver out of one, I did some research and found out you can make a weather station out of one, using off the shelf components. This weather station has to have these capabilities:
- Run off of AC power,
- Direct connect via Ethernet to the local network (WiFi is not reliable),
- Be able to send data to another computer at configurable intervals for long term data storage,
- Be able to send data to WeatherUnderground at configurable intervals,
- Be able to have data displayed on a mobile device.
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