Atriplex hymenelytra is an evergreen shrub distributed in the hot deserts of parts of Mexico and the southwestern United States. The leaves of the species have a number of characteristics that are adaptive in a hot, dry environment, some of which change seasonally. Steeply angled leaves reduce midday solar interception, yet result in relatively high interception when solar angles are low and vapor pressure deficits are at a minimum. The leaves substantially reduce their absorptance of incident radiation during the hot periods of the year by changing their moisture and hence dissolved salt contents. At these times the light intensity required for saturation of photosynthesis is low and a reduction in the radiation absorbed by the leaves therefore results in a greater water-use efficiency.

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Below is a list of research papers pertaining to this crop.
Displaying 1 - 7 of 7 publications.
Publishedsort descending Title/Abstract Authors Journal
1892 Sketch of The Flora of Death Valley, California

SINCE Death Valley, as shown by the published records of the Weather Bureau,2 is the hottest and dryest area known in the United States, and probably in the world,...

1914 Contribution à l'étude de la végétation du grand bassin américain

During the winter of December, the studies I am pursuing on the phytogeography of the deserts of the Northern Hemisphere led me to travel through the southwest of Arizona,...

Bulletin de la Société Botanique de France
1943 Cactus and Succulent Journal 1943-12: Vol 15 Iss 12

North Latitude 38°—23’—20”
West Longitude 122°
By F. B. Noyes

In this particular spot of our U. S....

Cactus and Succulent Journal
1984 Tolerance of Photosynthesis to High Temperature in Desert Plants

Winter and summertime active desert annual species were grown at different temperatures to assess their capacity for photosynthetic acclimation. Thermal stability of photosynthesis was determined from responses of chlorophyll...

1995 Major plant communities of warm North American deserts

A syntaxonomic study of the major plant communities in neotropical North American deserts (Sonoran, Mojave and Baja California Deserts) is presented. The field method of the Braun-Blanquet approach was...

2004 Development of vegetation in the Central Mojave Desert of California during the late Quaternary

Vegetation analysis of 47 Neotoma (packrat) middens from the core of the central Mojave Desert of California reveal changes in desert plant community composition over the last ca. 24,000...

2010 Seed Dispersal, Seed Entrapment, and Seedling Recruitment in a Temporally Variable Desert Playa

Natural establishment of seedlings in desert playas with temporally variable precipitation hinges on many factors, including seed production, seed dispersal, seed entrapment, seed germination, and seedling survival. We investigated...

Western North American Naturalist
Common Names: 
  • Desert Holly
Scientific Names: 
  • atriplex hymenelytra