Jim Verner

After graduating from the University of Arizona, Jim obtained a graduate degree in International Business at Thunderbird School of Global Management. Living and working abroad (Latin America, Europe, Africa, and the Middle East), Jim managed international fertilizer companies and experienced agricultural practices in a wide variety of climates and soils in both conventional and organic production. 

He specializes in ways to control plant stress and to overcome salinity  problems, and has written a number of articles for agricultural magazines and made special presentations to fertilizer producers and conventions on these topics.   He has also spoken to government and private landscaping groups, regional water authorities, and urban farmers on the environmental benefits and water saving  advantages of organics.  Jim is fluent in Spanish.


Displaying 1 - 1 of 1 publications
Publishedsort descending Title/Abstract
2015 A New Paradigm in Nitrogen

The traditional understanding of how plants take up and use nitrogen has been that plants can only use the mineralized forms of N. For example, The University of California’s Publication 7249, Soil Fertility Management for Organic Crops, states “organic nitrogen must be mineralized through the action of soil microbes...

Displaying 1 - 1 of 1 videos.

Jim Verner: Plant Nutrition
Jim Verner: Plant Nutrition
Jim Verner: Plant Nutrition

September 23, 2020 Jim Verner lecture on Plant Nutrition

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Displaying 1 - 3 of 3.

California Organic Fertilizers, Inc.

In 1990, organic growing methods were considered by some to be a fad championed by a few aging hippies. Our founder, Tim Stemwedel, spent the first years of his agronomic career working as a Pest Control Advisor in the Imperial and Yuma valleys, and he knew that the organic movement was not a passing phase.

California Rare Fruit Growers, Inc.

With 22 chapters — not all in California —  and members on every continent except  Antarctica, we are the largest amateur fruit growing organization in the world.  If you want to learn everything and anything about growing fruit in an environmentally responsible manner, this is where you want to be.  Come on in!
Thunderbird School of Global Management

Thunderbird School of Global Management is a global leadership, management, and business school at Arizona State University, a public research university in the Phoenix metropolitan area.


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