Alicia Real del López, Ph.D. is a distinguished researcher at Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, specializes in the field of polimeros, biomateriales, alimentos, microscopía, metales. Horz01Publishing Displaying 1 - 5 of 5 publications Items per page 510204060- All - Published Title/Abstract 2007 Physicochemical Characterization of Nopal Pads (Opuntia ficus indica) and Dry Vacuum Nopal Powders as a Function of the Maturation This paper presents the physicochemical and nutrimental characterization of fresh nopal (Opuntia ficus indica, Redonda variety) and nopal powder produced at different stages of development. Nopal powder was obtained by dry vacuum technique using 10 2 Torr and low temperature (40°C). The results showed that the nutrimental and mineral... 2011 Evaluation of oxalates and calcium in nopal pads (Opuntia ficus-indica var. redonda) at different maturity stages The content of calcium oxalate and calcium in powder from Opuntia ficus-indica (nopal pad) was investigated. Atomic absorption spectrometry was used to evaluate the calcium and calcium oxalate contents. The results suggest a positive relationship between calcium content and the maturity stages of nopal pads. For pads that were... 2015 Characterization of crystalline structures in Opuntia ficus-indicaThis research studies the crystalline compounds present in nopal (Opuntia ficus- indica) cladodes. The identification of the crystalline structures was performed using X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, mass spectrometry, and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. 2015 Characterization of Calcium Compounds in Opuntia ficus indica as a Source of Calcium for Human Diet Analyses of calcium compounds in cladodes, soluble dietary fiber (SDF), and insoluble dietary fiber (IDF) of Opuntia ficus indica are reported. The characterization of calcium compounds was performed by using Scanning Electron Microscopy, Energy Dispersive Spectrometry, X-ray diffraction, and infrared spectroscopy. Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy and titrimetric methods were used... 2017 Bone Mineral Density, Mechanical, Microstructural Properties and Mineral Content of the Femur in Growing Rats Fed with Cactus Opuntia ficus indica (L.) Mill. (Cactaceae) Cladodes as Calcium Source in Diet For several years, populations of developing countries including Mexico and Latin America have been undergoing changes in dietary habits [1]. The nutrition transition comprising changes in food patterns and dietary intake is linked to increased energy-dense sources, such as sugars, edible oils, and processed foods, whereas consumption of complex... ProfessionalPerson to Institution View: Displaying 1 - 1 of 1. Logo Institutions Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México The National Autonomous University of Mexico, is a public research university in Mexico. It has several campuses in Mexico City, and many others in various locations across Mexico, as well as a presence in nine countries. It also has 34 research institutes, 26 museums, and 18 historic sites. AttributionAttribution: twitterfacebooktumblrredditlinkedinpocketemailprint